
As Badur İnşaat, our basic principle in all our projects is the priority of meeting our own needs without compromising the needs of future generations. In addition, in line with the experience we have gained from our customers over the years, we know very well that sustainability in actual sense means that the houses remain at affordable prices by considering environmental concerns and without reducing the quality of living conditions.

In this context, we see this principle as an indispensable part of our vision and mission in all our past and future projects.

The slogan "From Tradition to Future", which we have added to our logo, refers not only to our 60-year story that started with Mehmet Badur İnşaat Ticaret A.Ş. (MEBATAŞ), which was founded by the late Senior Civil Engineer Mehmet Badur, but also to our care to use all our resources carefully to leave a world where ecological and social conditions can be maintained for future generations.